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Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey 

Experience Design

Embedded in the heart of the Himalayas, Woodsmen stands as a testament to both the brand's deep-rooted connection to the mountains and our inherent inclination towards experimentation. Our vision led us to conceive a bar that is not just a space but an immersive experience, distinguished by its unique shape, design, and functionality.

1st Featured Photo of the Experience Design Project for Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey.
2nd Featured Photo of the Experience Design Project for Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey.
3rd Featured Photo of the Experience Design Project for Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey.

Drawing inspiration from the rugged textures of the mountains, we employed materials such as wood, cobblestone, and brick tiles in the design, creating an ambiance that echoes the natural elements of the Himalayan landscape. The shape of the bar itself was inspired by the quaint charm of mountain cabins, weaving the entire experience around this distinctive theme.

Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey Photo Booth.
Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey Photo Booth.
Woodsmen Mountain Whiskey Photo Booth.

The interior design incorporated key elements like a fireplace, a sky window, and a slanting roof, all meticulously crafted to evoke the essence of a mountainside retreat. The result was a purposeful design that not only served its functional role as a bar but also seamlessly transformed into a versatile space, expandable and repurposable as a unique photo booth.

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